Strange Today
9 min readJun 15, 2023

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Aleister Crowley was a British occultist, poet and mountaineer who had an immense influence on the development of modern Western esotericism. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential figures in 20th century occultism, and his teachings have been adopted by many different magical organizations worldwide.

Crowley’s life was full of controversy and scandal — something that has only added to his lasting fame. His mystical writings were highly controversial during his lifetime due to their sexual content, as well as for their criticism of organized religion. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Crowley became a figurehead for both alternative spiritualities and countercultural movements alike.

Today, he continues to inspire people from all walks of life with his timeless philosophy: ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.’

Life And Career

Aleister Crowley was a passionate and complex figure who challenged the status quo through his exploration of faith and questioning of traditional norms. Born in 1875, Crowley’s upbringing in England was marked by strict religious standards set by his father, who belonged to an evangelical Christian sect called the Plymouth Brethren. Despite this restrictive environment, he developed an early interest in mysticism and magic that eventually led him to pursue a life devoted to exploring occult knowledge.

Crowley embraced many roles throughout his life, including poet, mountaineer, philosopher and magician. He began writing poems as a child before attending Trinity College at Cambridge University where he continued honing his skills as a writer. During this period he also became heavily involved with several mystical organizations such as the Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn which helped shape many of his core beliefs about spirituality.

Although much of Aleister Crowley’s works have been met with controversy and criticism over the years due to their unconventional nature, they remain some of the most influential writings on spiritual growth and development from the 20th century.

His legacy continues today with numerous books still being published around the world exploring various aspects of faith and culture inspired by his teachings. With these ideas firmly established in modern society it is clear that Aleister Crowley left behind significant contributions towards understanding human behavior beyond conventional thought.

Moving forward in our examination we can now examine how Aleister Crowley’s interests shifted into more esoteric realms such as occultism..

Interest In The Occult

Aleister Crowley was an influential figure in the early 20th century, primarily through his interest and research into spiritualism and mysticism. He is most well known for incorporating astrology into many of his occult practices. His pursuit of this knowledge led to a deep understanding of various esoteric concepts.

As he explored further, Crowley began to develop rituals that incorporated astrological symbolism as part of their magical practice. These ceremonies were designed to bring about specific changes in consciousness or evoke certain energies from within oneself. He also wrote extensively on these topics, providing detailed instructions on how to perform them correctly.

Many of those who practiced similar forms of ritual magic during this time period drew inspiration from his works. Crowley’s influence even extended beyond the realm of occultists; writers such as William Butler Yeats found inspiration in his ideas when creating their own literary works.

As one scholar has noted: ‘The writings which have come down to us are full of references both direct and indirect which indicate that (Yeats) had read and understood some at least of the theories propounded by Aleister Crowley.’ With such far-reaching appeal, it can be seen why Crowley remains a topic of fascination today.

Moving forward we will explore some of his more famous literary works.

Literary Works

The interest in the occult stirred by Aleister Crowley was far from being a passing fancy. The self-proclaimed Great Beast, as he referred to himself, had an extensive and deep knowledge of spiritualism and mysticism that drew many people into his fold. His influence on modern supernatural beliefs is evident still today. According to one estimate, between 1909 and 1930 more than 10 million Americans were involved with some form of magical practice or belief, largely due to Crowley’s teachings.

Crowley published several books during this time period which detailed his philosophy on spirituality and mysticism, including The Book of the Law, Magick Without Tears and Moonchild. These works sparked conversations around the world about alternative spiritual practices, serving as both a guidebook for practitioners and a source of inspiration for those seeking enlightenment through rituals associated with magick. It also caused much controversy due to its radical ideas such as advocating sexual freedom outside monogamous marriage.

This literary output combined with his public persona made him a controversial figure but it also enabled him to reach out and spread his message to people who may not have otherwise been exposed to it. He remains an iconic figure within certain traditions even after his death in 1947; whether seen as inspiring teacher or dangerous charlatan depends upon individual perspective.

Today there are numerous groups dedicated to studying and practicing magick based on Crowley’s writings, creating an enduring legacy long after he has passed away.

Controversial Legacy

Aleister Crowley is one of the most infamous and controversial figures in occult history. His name still evokes a sense of mystery, intrigue, and dark magic. He was a prolific writer on supernatural powers, rituals, magickal practices, and spiritual enlightenment.

Crowley has been labeled as ‘The Wickedest Man in the World’ due to his alternative lifestyle choices and beliefs which were often at odds with societal norms. Despite this negative label given to him by some sections of society, many people consider Crowley an enlightened guru whose influence continues today through books he wrote and philosophies he espoused such as Thelema.

He believed that every individual had their own destiny or True Will which they should seek out and follow throughout life no matter what others may think or say about them. His legacy remains controversial across different groups who have varying opinions regarding whether he was a charlatan preying upon those looking for guidance or if he was an enlightening figure ahead of his time opening up paths to new ways of thinking about spirituality and metaphysical matters.

Some view him as a teacher while others see him as an evil sorcerer using dark magical forces for nefarious purposes. Whatever opinion one holds towards Aleister Crowley there is no denying the impact he has made on modern culture:

  • On the positive side:
  • People recognize him as a noted philosopher whose teachings continue to inspire individuals around the world;
  • He introduced concepts involving Eastern mysticism into Western philosophy allowing more people access to non-traditional ideas concerning humanity’s relationship with the divine;
  • On the negative side:
  • Many believe his writings reveal dangerous secrets that could be used against unsuspecting followers;
  • Critics argue that his work can encourage immoral behavior amongst readers seeking forbidden knowledge not meant for public consumption.

Despite how one feels about Aleister Crowley it’s clear that his presence will remain within popular culture long after his death in 1947 — serving both as a cautionary tale against irresponsible use of power yet also continuing to offer insight into realms beyond everyday experience accessible only through exploration of our innermost selves.

Philosophical Teachings

Aleister Crowley was a complex figure who has left behind an equally complex legacy. During his life, Crowley’s philosophical teachings and metaphysical exploration were shrouded in mysticism practices.

His Thelema philosophy emphasized the idea of “Do what thou wilt” as the highest moral code, while also advocating for individualistic pursuits such as magick and astrology.

Crowley’s work resonated with many spiritual seekers across the world and he gained prominence both during his lifetime and after his death in 1947. While some praise him for developing new paths to self-realization, others criticize him for being overly obsessed with occult rituals or anti-Christian proselytizing.

Even today, there is no agreement on how to interpret Crowley’s thought or whether it should be embraced at all.

Regardless of one’s opinion on Aleister Crowley, his influence continues to have rippling effects throughout modern spirituality — from New Age circles to more avant garde subcultures like chaos magic. It seems that this enigmatic thinker will continue to fascinate readers for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Was Aleister Crowley’s Nationality?

Aleister Crowley was a British occultist and ceremonial magician who is most well-known for his ritualistic practices and use of magical symbolism.

He was born in Leamington Spa, England on October 12th 1875 to parents Edward and Emily Crowley.

His family belonged to the Plymouth Brethren Christian denomination and he remained true to his roots throughout his life — at least spiritually speaking.

He often referred to himself as ‘The Beast’ or ‘Great Beast 666’ which ensured that he would remain controversial even after death.

What Was Aleister Crowley’s Family Background?

Aleister Crowley was born in England to an upper-class family.

His father, Edward Alexander Crowley, was a brewer and member of the Conservative Party while his mother Emily Bertha Bishop was descended from a Devonshire-Somerset line.

Crowley attended private school and went on to Trinity College at Cambridge University where he studied philosophy, literature, and science.

He had a traditional upbringing with regards to education level and personal life; however it was not without its complications due to his parents’ staunch religious beliefs which clashed with Aleister’s own spiritual exploration.

What Impact Did Aleister Crowley Have On The Occult Movement?

Have you ever wondered what impact Aleister Crowley had on the occult movement?

This British occultist and ceremonial magician is credited as having a major influence in spiritualism and magickal rituals. He was known to practice esoteric teachings and even wrote several books of his own, popularizing them among those who followed him.

His doctrine of Thelema still continues to be practiced by many today, while other aspects of his work have gone on to become core parts of modern paganism and Wicca.

It’s clear that Crowley left an impressive legacy behind in terms of his impact on the occult world — one which will surely continue throughout future generations.

What Inspired Aleister Crowley’s Writing?

Aleister Crowley was an influential figure in the occult movement, and his writing was heavily inspired by religious influences and magical practices. Believing that he had a relationship with divine forces, Crowley sought to explore these spiritual connections through poetry and prose.

His writings often incorporated elements of mysticism, astrology, tarot, Kabbalah and other forms of esoteric spirituality. He also wrote extensively on ceremonial magic, expressing his views on how this practice could be used as a tool for personal transformation.

In all of his works, Crowley strove to give readers insight into the mysteries of the universe from both scientific and spiritual perspectives.

What Was Aleister Crowley’s Relationship With Thelema?

Aleister Crowley’s relationship with Thelema was complex and multifaceted. He is largely known as the father of modern dark magic, using occult practices to explore esoteric spiritual realms.

His writings were heavily inspired by his practice of Thelema — a religious philosophy he founded in 1904 that revolves around self-actualization and liberation from moral convention.

Through it, Crowley sought to provide an alternative system for understanding spirituality which aligned more closely with his own beliefs.


Aleister Crowley was a British occultist who left an indelible mark on the spiritual world. His influence still reverberates through modern culture, as evidenced by his presence in books and films.

He was driven by a deep passion for knowledge and exploration that led him down many interesting paths. His writing was inspired by mythology, mysticism and astrology, creating a unique blend of ideas that continue to fascinate readers today.

Crowley’s legacy is like a great tree whose branches extend far into the sky — its roots firmly entrenched in Thelema and with countless leaves of esoteric thought reaching ever higher towards enlightenment. Despite his controversial reputation, he remains one of the most influential figures in occult history — a true alchemist who combined age-old wisdom with modern thinking to create something entirely new.